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Whitelabeling Defactor Pools

This document outlines the process of whitelabeling, detailing how to customize Defactor pools instances to make them unique for each client.


Whitelabeling allows clients to apply their branding to Defactor pool instances. This guide covers all necessary configuration values and files.

Organization Data Configuration

Specify the basic organizational details using the NEXT_PUBLIC_ORGANIZATION_DATA configuration in the environment settings:

"name": "",
"logo": "",
"websiteUrl": "",
"xUrl": ""

Assets Configuration

Define the branding assets with the NEXT_PUBLIC_ASSETS_APP variable:

"appLogo": "/logos/logo.svg",
"favIcon": "/favicon.ico",
"socialMediaPreviewImage": "preview-image.png",
"fontFamily": "DMSans"

Branding Customization

Customize the visual theme of the application using the branding.json file. This file controls the color schemes and other UI elements.

Color Schemes

"color": {
"primary": {
"light": "#c8e2d7",
"main": "#50af95",
"dark": "#aaccc0"
"secondary": {
"light": "#FFFAEE",
"main": "#F6CA53",
"dark": "#aaccc0"
"background": {
"default": "#f9f9f9"
"charts": {
"pieChartColors": {
"paid": "#5A5BEB",
"active": "#26A66B",
"claimed": "#D21A4D",
"available": "#5A5BEB",
"liquidated": "#D21A4D",
"awaitingLiquidation": "#E0A225"
"barChartColors": [
"lineChartColors": [

Site Metadata

Customize the site metadata for different languages, ensuring that the platform is accessible and understandable to a diverse audience:

"metadata": {
"siteName": "FACTR Pools",
"siteDescription": {
"en": "Explore and participate in lending and borrowing pools with ease",
"es": "Explore y participe en fondos de préstamos y depósitos con facilidad."

Carefully configuring these elements will ensure that the Defactor pool instances reflect your organization's branding and are appealing to your target audience. Make sure to validate all changes in a testing environment before applying them to live instances.

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