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Technical Aspects

Contract Modules

  • ERC20CollateralPool.sol: Main contract.
  • ERC20CollateralPool.interface.sol: Interface for contract structures and events.
  • Storage contract for state management.
  • AggregatorV3Interface.sol: Interface for Chainlink price feeds.

Key Components


  • LIQUIDATION_PROTOCOL_FEE: Fixed fee for liquidation.
  • LIQUIDATION_FEE: Additional liquidation fee.
  • OZ_IN_G: Ounces to grams conversion constant.
  • ONE_YEAR: One year in seconds.
  • HOUNDRED: Constant for percentage calculations.


  • __ERC20CollateralPool_init: Initialize the contract with admin, USDC token, and pools.

Pool Management

  • addPool: Add a new pool.
  • announceEditPool: Announce upcoming pool edits.
  • commitEditPool: Commit announced pool edits.
  • cancelEditPool: Cancel announced pool edits.

Contract Control

  • pause / unpause: Pause or unpause contract operations.

User Interactions

  • lend: Lend USDC to a pool.
  • borrow: Borrow USDC against collateral.
  • repay: Repay borrowed USDC with interest.
  • claimRewards: Claim rewards after pool closure.
  • claimUnliquidatedCollateral: Claim back collateral if not repaid.
  • liquidatePool: Liquidate a pool after closure.

Calculation Utilities

  • calculateRepayInterest: Calculate repayment interest.
  • calculateCollateralTokenAmount: Calculate required collateral token amount.

View Functions

  • getPools: Get details of all pools.

Error Handling

Defined errors for exceptional scenarios, like PoolEndsAtIsInThePast and AdminMustNotBeZeroAddress.

Event Logging

Events like LendEvent, BorrowEvent, and RepayEvent for activity tracking.

Security Features

  • Pausable: Stop activities in emergencies.
  • Access Control: Restricted functions for specific roles.
  • Chainlink Integration: For accurate price information.


Uses OpenZeppelin's SafeERC20Upgradeable, AccessControlUpgradeable, PausableUpgradeable, and math utilities.


Designed with OpenZeppelin's upgradeable contracts framework.

Important Considerations

  • Precision and Rounding: Handle mathematical calculations accurately.
  • Time Dependencies: Time-sensitive functions need careful handling.
  • Security: Regular audits and reviews are recommended.

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