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Technical Aspects


  • OpenZeppelin Contracts (Upgradeable)
  • for storage-related operations

Contract: Pools

  • Inherits:

    • PoolsStorage
    • AccessControlUpgradeable
    • PausableUpgradeable
    • ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable
    • IERC721ReceiverUpgradeable
    • IERC1155ReceiverUpgradeable
  • Uses SafeERC20Upgradeable for ERC20 token operations.


  • POOL_FEE: Fixed fee for pool creation.
  • LOAN_TAKEN_FEE_PERCENTAGE: Fee percentage for taken loans.
  • MIN_POOL_CLOSED_TIME: Minimum time before a pool can be archived.
  • COLLECT_POOL_MAX_TIME: Maximum time for collecting funds from a pool.
  • INTEREST_DECIMAL_PLACES: Use to adjust the decimals in the interest rate calculation.


  • __Pools_init: Initializes the contract with USDC token.
  • getPool: Retrieves a pool by index.
  • createPool: Create a new funding pool, pool status default is CREATED.
  • commitToPool: Commits funds to a pool, only available for pools with CREATED status.
  • collectPool: Collects funds from a pool that has reached its goal, changes pool status to ACTIVE.
  • depositRewards: Deposits rewards into an active pool.
  • closePool: Closes an active pool.
  • archivePool: Archives a pool.
  • uncommitFromPool: Un-commit funds from a pool.
  • claim: Claims rewards from a pool.
  • withdrawFeesCollected: Withdraws collected fees by the admin.
  • adminWithdrawAll: Allows admin to withdraw all funds when paused.
  • claimRewardsForUsers: Allows pool owner or admin to claim rewards for user if more than 60 days has passed from pool closing.
  • uncommitForUsers: Allows pool owner or admin to uncommit for user if more than 60 days has passed from pool deadline.
  • pause: Pauses the contract.
  • unpause: Unpauses the contract.
  • Private helper functions for token transfers.


  • PoolCreated
  • CommittedToPool
  • UncommittedFromPool
  • PoolCollected
  • RewardsDeposited
  • PoolClosed
  • RewardsClaimed
  • PoolArchived

Custom Errors

  • PoolDoesNotExists
  • SoftCapMustBeLessThanHardCap
  • DeadlineMustBeInFuture
  • PoolStatusMustBeCreated
  • PoolStatusMustBeActive
  • MustDepositAtleastCommittedAmount
  • PoolDeadlineReached
  • PoolDeadlineNotReached
  • PoolHardCapReached
  • MustBePoolOwner
  • PoolSoftCapNotReached
  • CannotCollect30DaysAfterDeadline
  • PoolStatusMustBeClosedForAtLeast60Days
  • PoolStatusMustBeEitherClosedOrCreated
  • PoolStatusMustBeEitherClosedOrActive
  • PoolStatusMustBeAtLeast60DaysPastDeadline
  • CannotBeZeroAddress
  • DeadlineMustNotBeMoreThan1YearInTheFuture
  • MustBePoolOwnerOrAdmin
  • PoolIsNotEmpty
  • PoolOwnerCannotCommitToHisOwnPool
  • PoolSoftCapReached
  • PoolStatusMustBeClosed
  • RewardsHaveNotYetBeenPaidOut


  • This contract uses OpenZeppelin's upgradeable contracts to ensure future compatibility and improvements.
  • It has multiple functionalities related to pool management, such as creating pools, committing to pools, and handling pool rewards.

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