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Collateral Pool Contract

The Defactor SDK provides utilities and classes to seamless interaction with the Defactor contracts. In this specific section, the focus is in the Collateral Pool Contract and ERC20CollateralPool class, which implements the fundamental methods to interact with the contract in question.

Methods Available

// Returns the total USDC fees collected.
async USDC_FEES_COLLECTED(): Promise<bigint>

// Returns the USDC contract address.
async getUsdc(): Promise<string>

// Returns the total number of pools.
async getTotalPools(): Promise<bigint>

// Returns the pool with the given ID.
async getPool(poolId: bigint): Promise<Pool>

// Returns a list of pools within the given range.
async getPools(offset: bigint, limit: bigint): Promise<Array<Pool>>

// Returns the total amount of lending for a given pool and address.
async getTotalLending(poolId: bigint, address: string): Promise<bigint>

// Returns a specific loan.
async getLoan(poolId: bigint, address: string, lendingId: bigint): Promise<Lend>

// Adds a new pool.
async addPool(pool: PoolInput): Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction | ethers.TransactionResponse>

// Lends a certain amount to a pool.
async lend(poolId: bigint, amount: bigint): Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction | ethers.TransactionResponse>

// Borrows a certain amount from a pool.
async borrow(poolId: bigint, amount: bigint): Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction | ethers.TransactionResponse>

// Returns a specific borrow.
async getBorrow(poolId: bigint, borrowerAddress: string, borrowId: bigint): Promise<Borrow>

// Calculates the amount of collateral tokens for a given amount.
async calculateCollateralTokenAmount(poolId: bigint, amount: bigint): Promise<bigint>

// Repays a borrow.
async repay(poolId: bigint, borrowerAddress: string, borrowId: bigint): Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction | ethers.TransactionResponse>

// Returns information about the liquidation of a pool.
async getLiquidationInfo(pool: Pool): Promise<PoolLiquidationInfo>

// Liquidates a pool.
async liquidatePool(poolId: bigint): Promise<ethers.ContractTransaction | ethers.TransactionResponse>


Import the library and instantiate the SelfProvider class with the ERC20CollateralPool contract.

import { ERC20CollateralPool, SelfProvider } from "@defactor/defactor-sdk";

const providerInstance = new SelfProvider.SelfProvider<ERC20CollateralPool>(
contractConfig.contractAddress!, // loaded from config file
contractConfig.providerUrl!, // loaded from config file
contractConfig.privateKey! // loaded from config file

Lending to a Pool

const poolId = 1;
const amount = BigInt(100_000000); // 100 USDC

const lendTx = await providerInstance.lend(poolId, amount);

Borrowing from a Pool

const poolId = 1;
const amount = BigInt(10_000000); // 10 USDC

const borrowTx = await providerInstance.borrow(poolId, amount);

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