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Endpoints List GraphQL API

The Defactor Postman Collection comprises a suite of pre-configured API requests designed for seamless integration into the Postman application, facilitating access to the services offered by the Defactor API.

This API offers dual modes of interaction with the smart contract: firstly, via the RESTful API; and secondly, through the GraphQL API.

It facilitates interaction with various Pools smart contracts by providing an intuitive interface that maps the actions to straightforward concepts, such as create, lend, borrow, repaid, etc. Also, it enables seamless communication with smart contracts configured across multiple blockchain networks. It is necessary to specify the network and contract name in each request payload.

Outlined below is a detailed overview of the API's functionalities, leveraging a designated instance of the counterpartypool contract as the primary data source.


The counterpartypool contract is based on a token that follows the erc20 token standard that has a set precision. For example it can be usdc, euroc with a exactly a precision of 6 or any other token that meets the above mentioned requirements.

Then, 10500000 is equivalent to 10.5 USDC.

Security Details

To secure the API access control, all requests are made through Hasura which provides secure GraphQL, and RESTful endpoints restricted by a role-based authorization system.

Those endpoints that return public blockchain data do not require authentication for use. Query type requests are opened under the guest role, while mutation type needs a token with admin role.

For those that can modify data the API expects a valid authorization header containing a bearer token. These tokens are implemented as JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) issued by the server.

The security of the JWT is because it is signed by a secret key and has a configurable expiration time, which by default is 60 minutes.

Upon receiving a request, Hasura decodes and validates the JWT, which contains user account data, and their corresponding role. If the role lacks the necessary permissions or the token is invalid, expired or missing, the request is promptly rejected.



Return a JSON Web Token (JWT) access token and refresh token. By default, the access token has a maturity of 60 minutes, but it may vary depending on the server configuration.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1Login($session: LoginInput!) {
v1Login(session: $session) {

GraphQL Variables

"session": {
"address": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating the generated access token and refresh token. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1Login": {
"res": {
"accessToken": "<jwt>",
"refreshToken": "0a1a6d5f-1bf9-4540-8c22-d9442a75476f"
"success": true

Restore Session

Return a new access and refresh token.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1RestoreSession($session: RestoreSessionInput!) {
v1RestoreSession(session: $session) {

GraphQL Variables

"session": {
"refreshToken": "c1c713d8-1088-4488-87c2-ff290df78cae"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating the generated access token and refresh token. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1RestoreSession": {
"res": {
"accessToken": "<jwt>",
"refreshToken": "0a1a6d5f-1bf9-4540-8c22-d9442a75476f"
"success": true


Unlike the contract, the status are in lowercase; Additionally, to streamline interaction the API include intermediate status such as collectable, closable, and archivable.

To maintain a common interface between API endpoints the structure of the counterparty pool is mapped as follows:

Counterparty Pool contractAPI
deadlineendTime (as Date)
createdAtstartDate (as Date)
minimumAPRinterest (as Percentage)

The collateralDetails is an array which each element has the following properties:

contractAddressThe address where the collateral token is deployed.
amountThe amount of tokens that are put as collateral.
idOptional id if collateral is an ERC721 contract.

Create Pool

Create a new pool with the indicated collateral tokens using the collateralDetails schema.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($pool: CreatePoolInput!) {
v1CreatePool(pool: $pool) {

GraphQL Variables

"pool": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"data": {
"endTime": "2024-08-09T23:58:00.000",
"interest": 10,
"softCap": "300000000", // 300 USDC
"hardCap": "800000000", // 800 USDC
"collateralDetails": [{
"address": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"amount": "500000000",


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1CreatePool": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true

Get Pool

Retrieves the data associated with the specified poolId.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($pool: GetPoolInput!) {
v1GetPool(pool: $pool) {

GraphQL Variables

"pool": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"poolId": "0"


Upon successful request completion, the server will return a status code of 200 along with a JSON object containing pool information. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1GetPool": {
"res": {
"borrowed": "980000",
"closedTime": "2024-07-18T20:45:30.000Z",
"collateralDetails": [],
"endTime": "2024-07-18T20:44:07.000Z",
"hardCap": "5000000",
"id": "0",
"interest": 1,
"metadata": {
"collateralDetails": []
"poolOwner": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"repaid": "2000000",
"rewards": "2000000",
"softCap": "3000000",
"startDate": "2024-07-18T20:43:12.000Z",
"status": "closed",
"supplied": "1000000"
"success": true

Get Pools

Retrieves the data associated with the pools specified in the pagination parameters. If the offset exceeds the total number of pools, the API will return an empty list.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($pool: PaginationInput!) {
v1GetPools(pool: $pool) {

GraphQL Variables

"pool": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"offset": "0",
"limit": "30"


Upon successful request completion, the server will respond with a status code of 200, accompanied by a JSON object containing information regarding the pools. This object comprises the following attributes:

"v1GetPools": {
"res": {
"borrowed": "980000",
"collateralDetails": [],
"endTime": "2024-07-19T20:42:26.000Z",
"hardCap": "5000000",
"id": "0",
"interest": 1,
"metadata": {
"collateralDetails": []
"poolOwner": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"repaid": "0",
"rewards": "0",
"softCap": "1000000",
"startDate": "2024-07-18T20:42:32.000Z",
"status": "collectable",
"supplied": "1000000"
"more": false
"success": true

Get Total Pools

Returns the count of pools created within the current instance of erc20collateraltoken.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1GetTotalPools($data: DefaultInput!) {
v1GetTotalPools(data: $data) {

GraphQL Variables

"data": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool"


Upon successful request completion, the server will respond with a status code of 200 and a JSON object containing information about the total pools. This object includes the following attributes:

"v1GetTotalPools": {
"res": "672",
"success": true

Update Pool Metadata

Update the pool metadata

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($pool: UpdatePoolMetadataInput!) {
v1UpdatePoolMetadata(pool: $pool) {

GraphQL Variables

"pool": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"id": "0",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"name": "FACTR Pool 0",
"description": "FACTR is a tool that facilitates the connection between the traditional world of assets and the decentralized ecosystem of cryptocurrencies. Explore more about Defactor and its potential in the financial world!",
"logo": "",
"collateralDetails": [
"address": "0x60E87395b0101F85C623c38Be010574f958496db",
"standard": "ERC20",
"logo": ""


Upon successful request completion, the server will issue a status code of 200 alongside a JSON object. This object incorporates the following attributes:


Close Pool

Close the specified poolId if possible.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($pool: PoolDataInput!) {
v1ClosePool(pool: $pool) {

GraphQL Variables

"pool": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"data": {
"poolId": "0"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1ClosePool": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true

Archive Pool

Archive the specified poolId if possible.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($pool: PoolDataInput!) {
v1ArchivePool(pool: $pool) {

GraphQL Variables

"pool": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"data": {
"poolId": "0"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1ArchivePool": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true



Lend to a pool the specific amount of the token on which the contract is based. This endpoint is equivalent to the action commitToPool in the contract.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1Lend($loan: LendInput!) {
v1Lend(loan: $loan) {

GraphQL Variables

"loan": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"tx": "0x02f8b483aa36a70684208411a0850247082f388301dae194ec92ca91907fd64e446122953601e774fd3cd6e680b84418e0137200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000190c001a0a9517b0049a5a3bcc4a2eefee336ae557eeb506bda6e1124b5283d7af37c20d0a05cf37832388a1a230e35561ff49d4c96f75952b48b1c964139eccd138e2f0b36"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1Lend": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true


Repay a loan to a pool if it is active and it has not already been repaid. This endpoint is equivalent to the action depositRewards in the contract.

The counterpartypool contract needs the approval to spend money on behalf of the borrower, to give the approve the erc20 approve endpoint could be used. The amount to approve must be greater than pool.supplied + (pool.supplied * pool.interest / 100).

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($loan: RepayInput!) {
v1Repay(loan: $loan) {

GraphQL Variables

"loan": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"tx": "0x02f8b3830138825b844190ab00844190ab1e8302d712940a2e94dd0d8efa9598f3fa7287f888dc03add28880b844d8aed14500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c080a0afe1724c94d340b1a2304b3db1ad2b83d2f00740a21b81ba682979522c667683a06686ecda38010bec2694f9c10bd974e89ca7aeb0a9957d019353803f4e0356fa"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1Repay": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true

Claim Rewards

Allows the owner of the address, if they have not already done so, to claim the rewards the pool must be active or closed. This endpoints it equivalent to the action claim in the contract.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1ClaimRewards($loan: ClaimRewardsInput!) {
v1ClaimRewards(loan: $loan) {

GraphQL Variables

"loan": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"data": {
"poolId": "0"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1ClaimRewards": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true

Reclaim Loan

If possible recover the supplied amount to a pool. This endpoint is equivalent to the action uncommitFromPool in the contract.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1ReclaimLoan($loan: PoolDataInput!) {
v1ReclaimLoan(loan: $loan) {

GraphQL Variables

"loan": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"tx": "0x02f8b483aa36a70684208411a0850247082f388301dae194ec92ca91907fd64e446122953601e774fd3cd6e680b84418e0137200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000190c001a0a9517b0049a5a3bcc4a2eefee336ae557eeb506bda6e1124b5283d7af37c20d0a05cf37832388a1a230e35561ff49d4c96f75952b48b1c964139eccd138e2f0b36"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1ReclaimLoan": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true



Borrow the supplied amount of the base token from the pool if the deadline was reached and status is created. This endpoint is equivalent to the action collectPool in the contract.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($borrow: BorrowInput!) {
v1Borrow(borrow: $borrow) {

GraphQL Variables

"borrow": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"tx": "0x02f8b38301388259844190ab00844190ab1e83044082940a2e94dd0d8efa9598f3fa7287f888dc03add28880b8440ecbcdab00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000250000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001c9c380c001a060a1ef201be2fb0062b2c8880eb4f7468745b7d057ef942c4d74c53c51adefdda00a17ecbf456d6aaf9d134334e98b24195ec23566abfd4836b6ac69e80dd111d8"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1Borrow": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true


Erc20 Approve

Authorize a third party address to expend a designated sum of funds of the indicated token.

amountThe amount to approve.
addressThe address where the counterpartypool contract is deployed.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Admin

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation ($token: Erc20ApproveInput!) {
v1Erc20Approve(token: $token) {

GraphQL Variables

"token": {
"contractName": "counterparty-pool",
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}",
"tx": "0x02f8b383aa36a7058424bf2f8e85047a307cec82c9799475fe3476d90598080f7d12365020c438943dcef380b844095ea7b3000000000000000000000000ec92ca91907fd64e446122953601e774fd3cd6e60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000190c080a0530e4f4e58484c18038ac30b16fe4a93b91de19420aa9fc0de9b49edcc42a941a0582664ed5820e481c05cda95532df03383b1bdc73f485e51eef9ada80faa5803"


Upon successful completion of a request, the server will issue a status code of 200 along with a JSON object encapsulating pertinent blockchain transaction details. This object encompasses the following attributes:

"v1Erc20Approve": {
"res": {
"_type": "TransactionResponse",
"accessList": [],
"blobVersionedHashes": null,
"blockHash": null,
"blockNumber": null,
"chainId": "80001",
"from": "0xa8983Fe59b2F08F9F1B3E833c5D47B256F7FE0d5",
"gasLimit": "150012",
"gasPrice": null,
"hash": "0x68dc6f65b96a427c4c289371637b063bbe20d9841d6c8183f06e657ab10efb1e",
"success": true

Get Usdc

Returns the configured usdc contract address within the erc20collateraltoken instance.

HTTP Request Method: POST

Roles: Guest

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

mutation v1GetUsdc($data: DefaultInput!) {
v1GetUsdc(data: $data) {

GraphQL Variables

"data": {
"network": "{{NETWORK_NAME}}"


Upon successful request completion, the server will issue a status code of 200 alongside a JSON object containing the address information for usdc. This object incorporates the following attributes:

"v1GetUsdc": {
"res": "0x80D9E7bC3D962878b292F9536b38E52e266a77Fd",
"success": true


HTTP Request Method: POST

GraphQL URL: {{BASE_URL}}/v1/graphql

GraphQL Body

query {
getConfig {

GraphQL Variables


Error Reference

Error Response Format

The errors have the GraphQL error schema, an object with an errors array property where each item has the following schema:

messageThe description of the error
extensionsAn object with the path to the field that caused the error, and the error code


The variable has a wrong type:

"errors": [
"message": "expected a string for type 'String', but found a number",
"extensions": {
"path": "$.selectionSet.v1GetPool.args.pool.poolId",
"code": "validation-failed"

The variable is missing in the request body:

"errors": [
"message": "missing required field 'poolId'",
"extensions": {
"path": "$.selectionSet.v1GetPool.args.pool.poolId",
"code": "validation-failed"

The field does not exists or the role has no permissions:

"errors": [
"message": "field 'v1UpdatePoolMetadata' not found in type: 'mutation_root'",
"extensions": {
"path": "$.selectionSet.v1UpdatePoolMetadata",
"code": "validation-failed"

The variable is not in the request body schema:

"errors": [
"message": "Unexpected variable pool",
"extensions": {
"path": "$",
"code": "bad-request"

The GraphQL variables object is not a valid json:

"errors": [
"message": "Error in $: Failed reading: satisfy. Expecting object value at X",
"extensions": {
"path": "$",
"code": "invalid-json"

The endpoint does not exists:

"errors": [
"message": "Endpoint not found",
"extensions": {
"path": "$",
"code": "not-found"

There is no pool with the provided id:

"errors": [
"message": "Pool id 400 does not exist",
"extensions": {
"path": "$",
"code": "unexpected"

Types of Error


  • The date provided has already passed
    • Error message: Time must be in the future
  • The number provided is negative or zero
    • Error message: Amount cannot be negative or 0
  • The JWT is invalid
    • Error message: Could not verify JWT: JWT error
  • The input provided has a invalid value
    • Error message: Invalid request payload input
  • The string provided is not a integer number
    • Error message: Cannot convert X to BigInt


  • The address provided is invalid
    • Error message: Address does not follow the ethereum address format
  • The address does not have the required admin role in the counterpartypool contract
    • Error message: Sender address is not admin
  • The collateral token address is invalid
    • Error message: Collateral token does not follow the ethereum address format


  • There is no pool with the provided id
    • Error message: Pool id X does not exist
  • The endTime date of the pool was reached
    • Error message: Pool has ended
  • The endpoint requires a closed pool
    • Error message: Pool is not closed
  • The endpoint requires a not closed pool
    • Error message: Pool is closed
  • The endpoint requires a completed pool
    • Error message: Pool is not completed
  • Occurs when an attempt is made to liquidate or obtain liquidation information for a completed pool
    • Error message: Pool cannot be liquidated


  • Occurs when an attempt is made to claim rewards of a loan that has already been claimed
    • Error message: Loan already claimed


  • Occurs when an attempt is made to borrow an amount that overpass the pool balance
    • Error message: Amount overpass the pool available amount
  • Occurs when an attempt is made to repay a borrow that has already been repaid
    • Error message: Borrow already repaid


  • The provided offset is negative
    • Error message: Offset cannot be negative
  • The provided limit is negative or zero
    • Error message: Limit cannot be negative or 0
  • The provided limit is equal to the maximum results per page, use a smaller value
    • Error message: Max limit allowed is X

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